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Holden Cultural Council

The Holden Cultural Council is a 5-7 member volunteer commission appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Its goal is to promote excellence, education, diversity, and inclusion in the arts, humanities, and sciences and to foster a rich cultural life for all Holden residents.

The Holden Cultural Council receives funding from Mass Cultural Council (MCC) in one lump sum every year. Although the Council accepts grant applications from submitters from Holden and throughout the region, projects funded must ultimately benefit the Holden community. The types of grants funded include concerts at the bandstand, summer series at the Gale Free Library, and numerous projects at Holden’s schools and senior center.


Ana Gregory

Town Manager's Office
1204 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520-1066

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

The Holden Cultural Council is a 5-7 member volunteer commission appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Its goal is to promote excellence, education, diversity, and inclusion in the arts, humanities, and sciences and to foster a rich cultural life for all Holden residents.

The Holden Cultural Council receives its funding from Mass Cultural Council (MCC) in one lump sum every year. Although the Council accepts grant applications from submitters from Holden and throughout the region, projects funded must ultimately benefit the Holden community. Types of grants funded include the concerts at the bandstand, the summer series at the Gale Free Library, and numerous projects within Holden’s schools and Senior Center.

FY25 Local Guidelines

Information not provided

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

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FY24 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Bates III, Davis R. This Land is Your Land: A Song & Story Celebration $500
Dr. Leroy E. Mayo Elementary School Mayo Elementary School Science Workshops $2,188
Gale Free Library Adventure Begins!--Gale Free Kids Summer $2,560
Hacket, Andrew Local Author Visits $1,500
Holden 250th Bandstand Committee Holden Bandstand $3,701
Hurlbut, Steven M. Jumpin' Juba Senior Concert $360
Jordan, Robert Music at the Holden Farmers Market $595
Renzoni, Lia Holden Music For All $500
Tincknell, Roger L. Elvis to the Everly Brothers $550
Wachusett Greenways, Inc. Pommogusset Tunnel Mural 2 $500

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