Erving Cultural Council
The Erving Cultural Council is a local agency supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
We strive to provide cultural opportunities to Erving residents that are free of cost and serve a variety of participants.
Preference is for projects that have a partner within the town through the library, school, Recreation Department or Senior Center.
Leslie Brown
Erving Town Hall
12 East Main Street
Erving, MA 01344-9717
Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
The Erving Cultural Council is a local agency supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
We strive to provide cultural opportunities to Erving residents that are free of cost and serve a variety of participants.
FY25 Local Guidelines
Preference is for projects that have a partner within the town through the library, school, Recreation Department or Senior Center.
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Reimbursement Grants
FY24 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
1794 Meetinghouse, Inc. | Quabbin Valley Pro Musica 2023-2024 Season | $500 | Barrett, Cynthia | Reading and Signing for Emma and Belley: Sister Detectives, A Bilingual Book | $222 | Campbell, Sara | Fun With Local History | $250 | Community Network for Children | How Things Move in Nature - Littles Locomotion | $260 | Erving Senior Community Center | A Christmas Carol presentation | $700 | Ferguson, Carrie | Carrie Ferguson and The Grumpytime Club Band Family Music Concert | $550 | Franklin County Pride, Inc. | Franklin County Pride 2024 | $250 | Friends of the Erving Library | An Irish Music Afternoon with the Connecticut River Flute Choir | $250 | Hilltown Families, Inc. | Hilltown Families Suggests | $150 | Keezing, Jonathan A. | Classic Songs! | $425 | LaunchSpace, Inc. | Teen Open Hack | $375 | Orange Revitalization Partnership, Inc. | Starry Starry Night | $375 | Owens, George | PaxSax Concert | $500 | Porcino, John P. | To Life!: Celebrations in Story, Song and Music | $450 | The Athol Historical Society, Inc. | Uniquely Quabbin magazine | $250 | The Nolumbeka Project, Inc. | Pocumtuck Homelands Festival: A Celebration of Native American Art, Music and Cultures | $175 | York, Matt | Matt York - Songs & Stories: Willie Nelson | $600 |