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Cultural Council of Northern Berkshire

CCNB regrants funds from the Mass Cultural Council to individuals and organizations for projects in the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences.

Eleven municipalities are represented. These municipalities are: Adams, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Florida, Hancock, Lanesborough, New Ashford, North Adams, Monroe, Savoy & Williamstown.


Nicholas Rigger

10 Main Street
City of North Adams - Auditors Office
North Adams, MA 01247

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Our council represents 11 mostly rural towns. We prioritize funding events and projects taking place within these municipalities, and/or if the applicant resides in one of our 11 municipalities.

Encourage activity that involves collaboration and grows community.

We aim to strike a balance between supporting new and previously funded projects, as well as individual and organizational funding needs.

FY25 Local Guidelines

Venues: If the proposal involves a venue, the Council strongly encourages applicants to include a general letter of support from a venue representative (this letter does not need a specific date or official letterhead). In addition, venues should be within one or more of our municipalities, as well as be handicap accessible.

Multiple Applications: If you – are an individual – are offering the same activity in multiple locations, please complete a single application (for example, make one grant request for a music performance being presented in 3 different libraries, and itemize the details in the narrative and budget).

Digital Content: If your project has digital content, please share the public benefit it brings to our 11 municipalities, as well as the applicant’s connection to any of these communities.

Feasibility: Please be as detailed as possible about the practical details of the project, from partnerships to technical set-ups. This information is essential in the Council’s deliberations.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Abbott, Katherine Migration Stories with Multicultural Bridge $881
Adams Council on Aging Senior Theatre Trip $793
Adams Council on Aging Adams Rythm Keepers $1,321
Adams Free Library Summer 2025 Adams Free Library Programs $1,761
Adams Theater Presents Inc The Adams Theater Season 2025 $2,201
Arts in Recovery for Youth AIRY Expansion Project $1,761
Barrington Stage Company, Inc. Playwright Mentoring Project $1,321
Barton, Ricky Robot Paintings Color Patterns $1,134
Bates III, Davis R. Celebrating the Season: Winter & Valentine's Day $475
Bates III, Davis R. Celebrating the Season: A Halloween Harvest $475
Bates III, Davis R. Celebrating the Season: Thanksgiving Harvest $475
Bellizzi, Kathryn Crafts with Izzie! $660
Berkshire Children's Chorus, Inc. Berkshire Children's Chorus Pilot Program in North County $881
Berkshire Folk Theater Balfolk in the Berkshires: a community dance weekend $1,321
Berkshire Music School, Inc. Rhythms of Brazil: A Journey Through Traditional Musical Instruments $500
Berkshire Pulse, Inc. Soul Steps Residency Spring 2025 $660
Berkshires' Academy for Advanced Musical Studies, Inc. BAAMS' Homecoming - Five Year Anniversary $1,761
Bettagere Nagendra Prasad, Pranav Swaroop Project SARANG - Colors of South Asian Music $1,101
Cavallari, Marilyn Gallery North: Community Programming $1,321
Charles H. McCann Technical School Field Trip Fund $1,145
Cheshire Community Association Cheshire Summer Festival $2,025
Cheshire Council on Aging Seniors to the Theatre 2025 $660
Cheshire Council on Aging Tommy T and Black Velvet and Jackson $325
Cheshire Library Association Summer Reading Program $881
Christensen, Laura Art in Response $881
Clarksburg Town Library Wreath-Making Workshop $250
Clay, Sarah Games People Play $528
Community Images, Inc. Young@Heart $881
Daunis, Michael North County Chorale $1,761
Domkarova, Sonia Frames of Reality $881
Doubiago, Jessica individual artist grant $250
Doubiago, Karylee Berkshire Mountains Faerie Festival $1,761
Elkus, Eli Musical Storytelling & Folk Music by Eli Elkus at Windsor Lake $400
Emma L. Miller Memorial Elementary School Berkshire Theater Group Theater Performance $881
Fietta, Patricia Thinking Inside the Box $837
Friends of the Lanesborough Public Library, Inc. Cultural Exposure Program $749
Future Labs Gallery, LLC The Glow Show $704
Geer, Michelle Natural Fiber Clothing Swap $400
Greenagers, Inc. Greenagers Education and Stewardship $500
Guenette, David The Future of Climate Change in the Berkshires $212
Heart & Soil Collective Inc. School Garden Construction and Planting $1,321
Heart & Soil Collective Inc. Plant Identification Markers for Native Plant Community Garden $528
Hoosic River Watershed Association, Inc. Finding Poetic Inspiration in the Hoosic River Watershed: Classes & Poetry Shares $793
Jazz in the Berkshires, Inc. Concert Series: Jazz in the Berkshires $2,201
Jazz in the Berkshires, Inc. Jazz in the Berkshires - Tribute to Modern Jazz Quartet $881
Kachulis, Nick Life with Bill: A New Model for Aging. $528
Kaye, Marjorie Eternal Transmission $747
Kids 4 Harmony Kids 4 Harmony $1,761
Lane, David Folk Carving Workshop $881
Lanesborough Public Library Preschool Music and Literacy Enrichment $881
Lewis, Bernice E. Songwriter Series $1,233
Lewis, Bernice E. History Alive $660
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $704
MUSIC I am Autistic I am Fantastic - The Musical $511
Maichack, Gregory The Seahorse: How to Pastel Paint. $516
Mandel, Bruce Song and Inspiration $500
May, Peter Public Space Installation $881
Mendel, Lisa Mosaic Stepping Stones $500
Mendel, Lisa Spring Gardent $450
Mendel, Lisa Spring Resin Project $450
Minerva Arts Center, Inc. Winter Show $500
Momen, Farah Lessons in Food and Revolution, from Bangladesh to the Berkshires $3,507
Mowinski, Melanie Women Walking to Water Print Exchange and Exhibit $881
Nadler, Charlie Pop-Up Punchlines $1,937
Nelson, Dawn The Little Red House $881
Nelson, Dawn One Day at a Time / Four Years of Chaos $528
New England Puppet Arts Puppet Making Workshop and Adams Theater Gallery Exhibition $1,057
North Adams Chamber of Commerce, Inc. North Adams FIRST Fridays $1,761
North Adams Cultural District WinterFest 2025 $1,761
North Berkshire Community Dance North Berkshire Community Dance $1,321
Nutshell Playhouse, Inc. Nutshell Playhouse at the North Adams Library $350
Ouellet, Alvin "Painting the Town: Berkshire Landmarks 2025" -- En Plein Air Painting Series $528
Patterson, Robert Folkloric Hoosic $881
Pellegrini, Carlo MILL TOWN CIRCUS $881
Porcino, John P. Imagine Your Story: Summer Reading $475
ROOTS Teen Center, Inc. ROOTS Arts Programming $2,268
Raymond, amanda Calm Creations: Art and Mindfulness for All Ages $726
Reynolds, Emilee Community Craft Time $300
Reynolds, Emilee Doodle Bugs $528
Reynolds, Emilee Community Sign and Sing $1,321
Roomful of Teeth Vocal Arts Project, Inc. Roomful of Teeth Residency and Performance at MASS MoCA $1,321
Ryan, Elizabeth Eclipsed! 2025 $660
Salmeron, Anna Future Lab[s] Gallery March Exhibition $881
Second Chance Composting LLC Compost Fun, Education, and Art! $881
Shakespeare & Company, Inc. 2025 Fall Festival of Shakespeare $1,321
St. John III, Edmund Sheryl Faye Presents Abigail Adams, America's First Second Lady and Second First Lady $528
St. John's Parish of Williamstown Mass St John's Concert Series $1,321
St. Stanislaus Kostka School Field trips to engage in local culture $1,057
Steeple City Social LLC Steeple City Music Series $1,321
Tamarack Hollow Nature and Cultural Center, Inc. Forest and Field Ecology and Exploration at Youth Center Inc and Mt Greylock summit $881
Tamarack Hollow Nature and Cultural Center, Inc. Berkshire Rhythm Keepers at Ramblefest w/ Guests Adams COA Seniors $528
Taylor, Desiree Community Humanities Workshops- Writing Courses and History Talks $500
The Berkshire Fife & Drum Corps The Berkshire Fife & Drum Corps $500
The Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum, Inc. The Declaration of the Rights of Women of the United States: A Reenactment $881
Tincknell, Roger L. Elvis to the Everly Brothers $500
Tincknell, Roger L. Country and Western, Cowboy Songs, and Yodeling $500
Tincknell, Roger L. Elvis to the Everly Brothers $450
Tool, Kristen Community Telescope Days $599
Tupper, Lara Memoir Writing: What's Your Story? $500
Waterman, Jon Live Music Making History Live $400
Williamstown Cultural District Creative Futures: Youth Outdoor Exhibition $1,061
Williamstown Farmers Market Music at the Market and Special Community Events $1,180
Wise, Dennis The Theft of Dignity: Northern Berkshire Free Public Presentation $598
Wyrrick, Sharon The Center for Resourceful Living: Documentary Film & Photography Exhibit $881
York, Matt The Songs and Stories of Willie Nelson $350

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 11, 2025 at 09:22 AM UTC
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