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Becket Cultural Council

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Cathy Terwedow

557 Main Street
Becket, MA 01223-3252

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

The Becket Cultural Council provides grants to arts, humanities, and science programs that benefit the Becket community. Priority is given to organizations, projects, events, and programs that support the local community, emphasize cultural diversity, and offer experiences for local residents to enjoy.

FY25 Local Guidelines

* Be specific about the benefit of your program to the Becket community.
* List the names and qualifications of the individual(s) leading the activity, as well as any artist fees.
* Where applicable, include a local venue, the event date(s) and time, and the name of a local contact who is sponsoring the activity. Virtual events are eligible.
* Out-of-town applicants without local sponsors will be rejected.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

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FY24 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Becket Arts Center of the Hilltowns, Inc. Music Brings Communities Together $1,200
Becket Arts Center of the Hilltowns, Inc. Community Mosaic Public Arts Project - Phase 1 $800
Becket Athenaeum, Inc. Becket Community Performances $600
Becket Athenaeum, Inc. Becket Museum Passes $950
Becket Beat Support Local Journalism $500
Becket Police Association Holiday party $800
Becket Washington School Interactive Science Exploration $600
Berkshire Music School, Inc. Willie was Different: A Musical Enrichment Program $375
Berkshire Pulse, Inc. Intro to Dance for PE in Nessacus Middle School $500
Hostetter, Jodi Music in the Park $325
IS183, Inc. ARTcentric: Berkshires After-school at Becket-Washigton Elementary School $500
Nutshell Playhouse, Inc. Nutshell Playhouse at the Becket Arts Center $300
Town of Washington Family Fun Day $400
Tupper, Lara Pick Up the Pen: Start Your Writing Project $350

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Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on October 11, 2024 at 10:16 PM UTC
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