Auburn Cultural Council
The Auburn Cultural Council is a group of dedicated volunteers who desire to enrich the lives of Auburn residents through the Arts, Humanities, and Interpretive Sciences. The Council supports various art forms, including the ongoing work of individual artists and collaborative proposals that bring artists and organizations together.
Auburn residents participated in a survey that showed a strong interest in community gatherings (festivals, concerts, plays) in accordance with COVID guidelines, environmental and educational projects, and cultural diversity.
Please read the State and the Auburn Cultural Council Guidelines and Priorities before applying. All applications meeting the Council’s criteria (see list below) will be considered.
Piyali Mazumdar
Auburn Town Hall
104 Central Street
Auburn, MA 01501-2303
Connect on Social
Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
The Auburn Cultural Council prioritizes grants submitted by Auburn residents, organizations, agencies, and schools that will benefit diverse groups of Auburn citizens through cultural, scientific, and/or historical performances or education.
In addition to the state criteria, applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:
1. Grant funds must be used for arts, humanities, or interactive sciences. The Council will prioritize the following activities for support based on community input: community-wide gatherings, field trips for students/youth to museums, nature/science/environmental education projects, or projects celebrating local history and cultural diversity.
2. Applicant has secured a venue and must have documentation from that venue.
3. Applicant has shown source(s) of supplemental funding in the case of partial funding. If supplemental funding is unavailable, the Council will accept project scope adjustment.
4. Applicant should demonstrate thorough project planning, including but not limited to logistics and finance.
5. Grants are direct grants dispersed at the time of award.
6. Grant funds must follow current state public health guidelines, if applicable.
FY25 Local Guidelines
We support a broad variety of art forms, the ongoing work of individual artists, environmental education projects, collaborative proposals that bring together artists and other types of organizations, local cultural groups and projects that serve specific populations, such as youth, senior citizens, low income and disabled.
Who qualifies for funding?
Massachusetts-based individuals, artists, nonprofit community groups, cultural institutions, and schools with cultural projects that have public benefit may apply. Auburn-based applicants are given preference.
Application Procedure: All applicants must submit completed applications online ( by October 16, 2024, at 11:59PM EST. Address any questions to the Auburn Cultural Council at
Applications are evaluated in terms of several criteria: artistic or creative merit; project design; qualifications, dedication, and past records of the individuals and organizations involved; physical accessibility & accommodating size of any facilities being used; and community benefit. Applicants must secure a venue for their presentation and provide a signed statement from the organization or facility validating site support. Successful applicants must inform the council of the date, time, and location of the project presentation so members have the option of attending. The council will not fund activities that should be or have been part of municipal budgets (I.e., teacher salaries, classroom supplies, school-sponsored clubs and organizations, library books/videos, etc.) Enrichment projects utilizing outside professionals are allowed. We do not fund transportation.
ACC funds the purchase of tickets for cultural field trips for children pre-K through 12. Applicants can include public, private, or parochial schools and community youth groups. Activities, including cultural and educational exhibits and museum visits, must occur outside of the school setting. The Auburn Cultural Council does not fund transportation.
Approximately two months after the October deadline, the Auburn Cultural Council will inform all applicants concerning the status of their application. The local council submits its funding decisions to Mass Cultural Council. Applicants should not publicize or implement any project until official approval has been received. Projects must be initiated during the grant period and completed within one year of funding.
What are the Publicity Requirements of the Cultural Council?
In all published materials and announcements regarding the activities supported by Auburn Cultural Council funds, the sponsoring group or individuals must acknowledge this support with a written and/or verbal credit statement. The credit statement is: “This program is supported in part by a grant from the Auburn Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by Mass Cultural council, a state agency.”
The MCC logo may also be used and is available at the MCC’s website:
Public funding for cultural programs must be appropriated by the Massachusetts State Legislature each year. Therefore, reminding your community about this funding source is critical to maintaining support from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through the State Legislature.
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Direct Grants
FY24 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
Auburn Public Library | 2024 summer reading program | $1,000 | Auburn Public Library | Professor Bugman | $250 | Auburn Public Library | Butterfly kits | $200 | Auburn Public Library | Tomato plant and Petunias giveaway | $500 | Auburn Public Library | Animal Adventures Rescue Zoo | $500 | Auburn Public Library | Auburn kindergarten visits to library | $200 | Auburn Public Schools | Brining in African Culture | $4,250 | Bryn Mawr School | Black History Laser Tribute | $1,200 | Henderson, Steven I. | An Accidental Wedding | $400 | Hurlbut, Steven M. | Jumpin' Juba Senior Concert | $500 | Kachulis, Nick | Life with Bill: A New Model for Aging. | $250 | Mankita, Jay | Maker Space Build Along: Chain Reactions | $500 | Rull, Thomas E. | "A Musical Journey Through the Years" | $450 | Silvia, Elizabeth | The Mike and Beth Show! | $425 | Smith, Patrick | Afternoon of Brass #3 | $375 |