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Home / Blog / Organizations / Now Requires Salary Disclosure Now Requires Salary Disclosure

Dawn Heinen, Digital Communications Manager

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In a step to address pay gaps and inequity in the cultural sector, Mass Cultural Council is pleased to announce that we have updated to require salary in appropriate job categories. is Mass Cultural Council’s creative employment site used by more than 1,500 organizations.

Beginning this month, when posting or updating a listing for Full-Time, Part-Time, Seasonal, or Consultant opportunities, salary information will be required, either a range or an exact amount.

As part of the Agency’s ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we want to encourage full participation in Mass Cultural Council-supported programs and services. In June our governing Council took action to unanimously reaffirmed this commitment.

Updating HireCulture to require salary means job seekers can better assess an opportunity before investing their time and effort to pursue it. Publishing salaries also provides transparency about what a job is “worth” to an organization, regardless of an applicant’s gender and/or race. To learn more about the rationale behind this change, please refer to these wage equity resources:

We look forward to continued collaboration with all users, and to finding more ways we can support a fair and just cultural sector.

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