Power of Culture Blog
Multi-Year, Unrestricted Operating Grants Now Available
Apply by April 17, 2025 for Operating Grants for Organizations
Bethann Steiner, Communications Director
Massachusetts Continues Robust Investment into Cultural Facilities
Mass Cultural Council notes with strong appreciation the Governor and Lt. Governor’s continued support and investment in the power of culture. The Administration’s FY21 state capital spending plan, released on June 17, invests $10M into cultural facilities through the Cultural Facilities Fund (CFF).
According to the Governor’s press release, the spending blueprint maintains existing investments and enables the Administration to continue working with stakeholders across the Commonwealth to support ongoing capital projects. The plan will ensure Massachusetts is well-positioned for short, medium, and long-term COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.
The Governor’s FY21 capital plan focuses on six major themes: asset stewardship, supporting local communities, economic opportunity, value optimization, customer orientation, and climate resiliency. These six priorities continue to be important in the era of COVID-19 amid the response to the public health crisis. CFF is very much a program focused on asset stewardship and economic opportunity.
Managed in collaboration with MassDevelopment, the Cultural Facilities Fund provides major improvement grants to nonprofit cultural organizations, in recognition of their profound economic impact on communities across Massachusetts. Since 2006, the Fund has encouraged sound growth, supported important development projects, played a crucial role in the growth of local tourism, created thousands of jobs, and driven millions of dollars in private investment.
The Cultural Facilities Fund provides grants to support the acquisition, design, repair, rehabilitation, renovation, expansion, or construction of nonprofit cultural facilities statewide. An economic development program created by the Legislature in 2006, over 13 years the Fund has awarded 1,063 grants totaling $129M to 488 cultural nonprofits across the Commonwealth.
Other economic development highlights spurred by CFF include:
On May 14 the 2020 round of CFF grants, an investment totaling $9.3M, was approved by the MassDevelopment Board. Mass Cultural Council anticipates announcing the 2021 round of Cultural Facilities Fund grants this fall, a potential source of relief for cultural nonprofits seeking assistance to retrofit their facilities in consideration with COVID safety measures to responsibly reengage with audiences.
For questions on CFF contact Jay Paget or Miranda Cook.