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Waltham Cultural Council

The Waltham Cultural Council supports the arts, humanities, and sciences through grants and advocacy for nonprofit cultural organizations, schools, and artists. Through our efforts, we strive to make our community a better place to live, work, and visit. As a public investor in the arts, humanities, and sciences, we work to ensure everyone in our community has a place in our rich cultural life.

We fund activities and events that celebrate cultural diversity and local history, engage the community, and increase access to arts education for the Waltham community. Priority is given to projects that support initiatives with a specific focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

New applicants are encouraged to apply.


Eileen Peng

610 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02452

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Projects that support:
-Diversity, equity and inclusion
-Neighborhood revitalization
-Exposing school-aged children to the arts
-Artist’s living and work spaces

Events that:
-Celebrate local history and cultural diversity
-Involve the community and neighborhoods
-Promote arts education in schools

Focusing on the following communities:
-Communities of color
-Immigrant communities

FY25 Local Guidelines

The Waltham Cultural Council supports the arts, humanities, and sciences through grants and advocacy for nonprofit cultural organizations, schools, and artists. Through our efforts, we strive to make our community a better place to live, work, and visit. As a public investor in the arts, humanities, and sciences, we work to ensure everyone in our community has a place in our rich cultural life.

We fund activities and events that celebrate cultural diversity and local history, engage the community, and increase access to arts education for the Waltham community. Priority is given to projects that support initiatives with a specific focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.

New applicants are encouraged to apply. Applicants that meet the council priorities will be more likely to receive funds than those that do not.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
African Cultural Services, Inc. YSM _ Your Story Matters Magazine $750
African Cultural Services, Inc. African music instruments and dance performance series $1,000
Alive Dance Collective, LLC Storybook Movement Workshop Series with Alive Dance Collective at ARTrelief $1,000
Boykan, Deborah Influence of African American and Native American Folk music on Antonin Dvorak and other European and American "Art Music." $300
Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation, Inc. Rediscovering Waltham’s Harpsichord Manufacturing History $800
Chen, Hudson Inspiring Vitality: The Timeless Beauty of the Silk Road Art $300
Community Farms Outreach, Inc. Farm Day/Día de la Granja 2024 $2,000
Dinosaur Annex Music Ensemble, Inc. Sound, Earth, Body - Contemporary Music on Climate, Nature, and Environment $500
Discovery Museum, Inc. Open Door Connections $300
Downtown Waltham Partnership, Inc. Watch City Steampunk Festival $1,600
Downtown Waltham Partnership, Inc. Riverfest 2025 $1,680
Ethnic Arts Center of Somerville, Inc. My Family Heritage Paper Bag Puppet Set $750
Feldman, Allan Bike Rack Art Contest $1,500
Friends of the Waltham Family School, Inc Expanding Access to the Arts for Waltham's Immigrant Families $1,000
Hargrove, Rob Stringclusive $300
Henry Whittemore School Parent-Teacher Organization, Inc. Cinco de Mayo celebration $500
Liendo, Karina Bilingual Fun Storytelling_Latin American Series $300
Lucci, Jessica Watch City Readers $300
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $300
MUSIC I am Autistic I am Fantastic - The Musical $300
Mamai, Fiona International Children's Convention- Waltham Children's Business Fair $1,000
McDevitt Parent-Teacher Organization, Inc. McDevitt Multicultural Night $500
New Harmony Line Inc Find your voice: Composing Music with Hyperscore $1,000
Opportunities for Inclusion, Inc. Bringing Inspiration to OFI and Beyond $1,000
Powers Music School, Inc. Watch City Singers at Waltham Council on Aging $300
Radio Uganda Boston Boston Inc Radio Uganada Boston Summer Splash 2025 $800
Revive Discipleship Waltham Moves: A Cultural Showcase $1,000
Shalom-Kobii, Tal Shalom A tribute to Women composers and song writers around the globe $1,000
The Boston New Music Initiative, Inc. BNMI’s 15th Anniversary Guerilla Concerts $150
The Waltham Museum, Inc. Saturday Social Series $1,000
Thomas R. Plympton Elementary School Plympton School Multicultural Night $500
Waltham Arts Council, Inc. Concerts on the Common $1,200
Waltham Boys & Girls Club See Me in the Community $1,000
Waltham Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Play With Your Art Market and Creation Classes $500
Waltham Choral Parents Association Eastern Show Choir Festival $1,000
Waltham Creative Start Sing, Play, Grow! Children's Music Enrichment $900
Waltham Dual Language School Immersive storytelling for grades K-5 $500
Waltham Farmers' Market The Waltham Farmers' Market 2025 Concert Series $1,200
Waltham Historical Society, Inc. Waltham Historical Society's Sanderson Lecture Series $1,000
Waltham Land Trust, Inc. Winter Wonders Animal Program for Children $500
Waltham Mills Artist Association Waltham Open Studios $1,800
Waltham News Alliance Arts Coverage in The Waltham Times $500
Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. Two orchestra concerts $1,200
Waltham Pride Fest Waltham Pride Fest $1,000
Waltham Public Library Adult Programming $2,000
Waltham Public Library Children's Room Children's Programs at the Library $2,000
Waltham Public Library Teen Room WPL Teen Room Graffiti Camp and Graffiti Sneaker Workshop $2,250
Watch City Arts, Inc. Cultural Dancing $1,500
Waterman, Jon Live Music Making History Live $300
York, Matt Matt York - Classic Country Revue $300

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 11, 2025 at 05:22 AM UTC
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