Detail of the Great HuntPigments, gouache, text, thread, gold leaf on Mylar & paper45" x 30" (photo by John Horner)2008 Photo Credit: John Horner
Detail of the untitledPigments, gouache, text, thread, gold leaf on Mylar and paper28" x 20" (photo by John Horner)2008 Photo Credit: John Horner
Untitled from the series 'Dirty Pretty'Pigments, gouache, text, thread, gold leaf on Mylar & paper28" x 20" (photo by John Horner)2008 Photo Credit: John Horner
the great hunt from the series 'Dirty Pretty'Pigments, gouache, text, thread, gold leaf on Mylar & paper45" X 30" (photo by John Horner)2008 Photo Credit: John Horner
Detail of the Great HuntPigments, gouache, text, thread, gold leaf on Mylar & paper45" x 30" (photo by John Horner)2008 Photo Credit: John Horner