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Financial Management Storytelling with SMU DataArts, Worcester

Event Date 11.20.2019
Location: Worcester, MA

Now in our fourth year, The Mass Cultural Council is offering a free workshop for Cultural Investment Portfolio and Gateway grantees to get a deeper understanding of the DataArts analytic reports, make critical decisions about data communications, and ultimately, choose the best data points to help tell your story to specific stakeholders. This in-person session is led by Joanna Reiner Wilkinson, Senior Financial and Education Associate at SMU|DataArts.

Potential Donor: “How much do you spend to raise $1? What percentage of my donation goes directly to programming? What portion of your annual budget comes from fundraising? How heavily do you rely on a single source of contributed revenue? How heavily do you rely on in-kind gifts?”

The answers to the above questions can all be found in your Data Arts Survey. We know a fair amount of time goes into completing the Survey, and the CIP team has been looking at ways to help this data be relevant to your day-to-day storytelling and casemaking. With DataArts, we have designed a workshop where CIP organizations will get a deeper understanding of their analytic reports, make critical decisions about data communications, and ultimately, choose the best data points to help tell your story to specific stakeholders.

This workshop is designed for decision-makers at organizations, including Executive Directors, Treasurers, Board Chairs, Development and Marketing Directors, and other senior management. This workshop is free and available for current Portfolio and Gateway grantees with at least one completed Cultural Data Profile.

Session Overview:

Part 1 – Learning from your DataArts Analytic Reports: management trends, return on investment, and financial health metrics
Part 2 – Workshop: Using your trend and benchmarking data for board reporting and meetings, external and internal communication strategies, grant applications, fundraising support materials, and advocacy
Part 3 – Taking the next step: KIPIs and Projections
Part 4 – SMU|DataArts Update: What’s new, and what’s next

Workshops are:
November 19 in Boston at the North Bennet Street School, 3:00-5:00pm
November 20 in Worcester at the Worcester Art Museum, 3:00-5:00pm
November 21 in Springfield at the Springfield City Library, Mason Square Branch, 3:00-5:00pm.

Maximum of 15 participants per session, two representatives maximum per organization. Due to expressed demand, we expect these sessions to fill. To RSVP or additional questions, contact Michael Ibrahim.

Add to Calendar 11/20/2019 03:00 PM 11/20/2019 03:00 PM America/New_York Financial Management Storytelling with SMU DataArts, Worcester Now in our fourth year, The Mass Cultural Council is offering a free workshop for Cultural Investment Portfolio and Gateway grantees to get a deeper understanding of the DataArts analytic reports, make critical decisions about data communications, and ultimately, choose the best data points to help tell your story to ... Worcester, MA

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