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Dunstable Cultural Council

The Dunstable Cultural Council is a local chapter of the Massachusetts Cultural Council. The Council’s mission is to provide entertaining educational programs for the community of Dunstable. Each year, the council members re-appropriate state funds provided to Dunstable for programs in the arts, sciences, and humanities for the benefit of our townspeople.


Leslie Novak

Dunstable Town Hall
511 Main Street
Dunstable, MA 01827-1313

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

2025 Council Priorities
The Dunstable Cultural Council gathers input from the community yearly and develops funding priorities based on this feedback. This year the Dunstable Cultural Council will give priority to:
1) Local events that benefits a variety of people in the town such as the summer concert series.
2) Events that are held locally in the school or library.
3) Events that benefit children and seniors.
4) Events that benefit the elderly.

FY25 Local Guidelines

In addition to the state criteria, applications will be evaluated using the following review criteria:
1. How well the program meets our local priorities.
2. Community support and involvement.
3. Evidence of track record and dedication of the applicant.
4. Ability to address the diverse cultural needs of a community’s underserved populations or support diverse forms of cultural activities.
5. Financial need.
6. Demonstrated planning.
7. Have secured a local venue.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

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FY24 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Callahan, Valerie European Cruise with the Nissitissit String Quartet $750
Dunstable Jinglefest Dunstable's 2024 Jinglefest $500
Dunstable Theater Collaborative, Inc. Dunstable Theater Collaborative's Season Programming $500
Haight, Jean Art and Music at the Barn $750
Miniscalco, Sheryl F. Laura Ingalls Wilder - Pioneer of The American Frontier $356
Siddall, Kathleen Farm Days 2024 $500
Town of Dunstable Dunstable Summer Concert Series $2,020

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Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on October 6, 2024 at 02:16 AM UTC
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