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Bridgewater Cultural Council

The mission of the Bridgewater Cultural Council (BCC) is to promote excellence, access, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in order to improve the quality of life for all Bridgewater residents and to contribute to the economic vitality of our community. The Bridgewater Cultural Council decides by a majority vote of the BCC Members to determine the distribution of arts lottery funds or other funds that may be available to it and may also conduct other activities to support these efforts on an ongoing basis.


66 Central Square
Bridgewater, MA 02324-2529

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

1. Artists/ STEM Individuals or groups that reside in Bridgewater for projects to be held in Bridgewater
2. Events to be held in Bridgewater
3. Events in surrounding towns where Bridgewater residents would likely attend or participate with no additional cost or expense to attend (free)
4. Other events held in local, surrounding communities where residents are likely to attend which might have nominal fees, cost or expenses required to attend.
5. Other events that demonstrate they are of interest to Bridgewater residents

FY25 Local Guidelines

The grant must show local community benefit. Please include a letter of support from sponsor/venue , resume of the artist, performance date and venue.
School district programs should apply for the same grant assistance from Raynham.
Priority will be given to new applicants and or projects.
It is the intention of the BCC to touch as large a percentage of the population as possible with each event/ project.
This is a direct grant program. Final reports with expenses, number of attendees and documentation of credit for grant monies from MCC are required to be considered for future funding.
Applicants are encouraged to seek other funding sources . Council funds are not intended to be the sole funding source for projects of a continuing nature.
Funding may be reduced or eliminated after 3 consecutive years of BCC funding.
The grantee must acknowledge the support of the Cultural Council with written and/or verbal statement by using the MCC logo (available on MCC website). The credit statement is “This program is supported by a grant from the Bridgewater Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency”.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

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FY24 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Society, Inc. Brass Band Concert $675
Bridgewater Improvement Association Winter Wonderful $4,000
Bridgewater Junior Music Boosters, Inc. Music in the Parks $1,000
Bridgewater Pride Transgender Day of Visibility Talent Showcase $250
Bridgewater Public Library Art with Melissa $2,400
Chace, Karen A. Carving Out Your Story $300
Fire for Effect Foundation Inc Movie Nights in the Park $1,500
Freyermuth, Sherry Hello at the Farm Story Time Activity $400
Friends of Music Alley 9th Annual Music Alley Summer Series $5,525
Kelley, Thomas Irish / American Folk or Sea Shanty Sing Along $250
Old Colony Historical Society Passport to History 2024 $250
Ousamequin Club, Inc. Wampanoag Women/Dr. Fred Dunford $250
Ousamequin Club, Inc. History at Play $400
ROSE, JACQUELYN Community Dance $250
Racette, Ryan Big Ryan's Toddler Tales $2,400
Raynwater Players See the Light, The New Rock Musical $2,000
be; be; Social $250

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Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

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