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Bedford Cultural Council

The Bedford Cultural Council supports public projects by regranting the annual allocation of funds from Mass Cultural Council (MCC). These projects shall promote access, education, diversity, and excellence in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in Bedford.


Julie McCay Turner

Bedford Town Hall
10 Mudge Way
Bedford, MA 01730-2193

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Preference is given to

  1. Bedford community members
    1. Nonprofit organizations
    2. Projects involving local artists
  2. Projects which encourage community-wide participation in the arts, cultural events, graphic arts, fine arts, music, dance, theater, writing, nature, science and environmental education
  3. Projects which encourage participation by audiences of all ages including multi-generational cultural programs
  4. Projects highlighting Bedford’s history and institutions
  5. Projects celebrating cultural diversity and inclusivity
  6. First time funding of projects

FY25 Local Guidelines

  1. Non-resident individuals or organizations
    1. If your program occurs in Bedford, you must have a predetermined local sponsor and a letter from the sponsor, including the sponsor’s Bedford address, with your application. The letter should specify the type and level of support that the sponsor will provide. The application must identify the venue as either in-person or virtual. Virtual programs must be managed by the sponsor.
    2. If your program does NOT occur in Bedford, you must have a supporting letter from a resident, including their Bedford address, that explains how your program will benefit Bedford residents.
  2. Projects done on town property must have all town related approvals and town department commitments before application submission (i.e., from all relevant permitting authorities and stakeholders).
  3. Applications must be completed online, including a complete budget and specific project date(s)/timeframes.
  4. Publicity must contain the following acknowledgement: “This program is supported in part by a grant from the Bedford Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.” For additional information, refer to Event Publicity Guidelines.
  5. The Bedford Cultural Council cannot guarantee full funding of any requested amount. Your event must be able to proceed with only partial funding of the requested amount from the Bedford Cultural Council. Other Mass Cultural Council Grant Program Opportunities are described at:
  6. Approved grantees must advertise event(s) in local Bedford media.
  7. Grants are made on a reimbursement basis only. Once your program has been completed, please send your completed reimbursement form and documentation (invoices, receipts, or paid bills), including costs associated with virtual programming if applicable, evidence that the event took place (programs, photos, etc.), and was credited as required (copies of marketing, in newspapers, etc.) to: Bedford Cultural Council, Bedford Town Hall, 10 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 01730. You may also email your reimbursement materials to Preapproval from the BCC is required for partial reimbursement for projects that happen in more than one phase. Refer to Reimbursement Guidelines for additional information.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Bedford Arts and Crafts Society Series of Artist and Crafter Workshops and Demos $500
Bedford Arts and Crafts Society Crafts Program $200
Bedford Arts and Crafts Society Bedford Arts and Crafts Society 24th Annual Regional Art Show - 2024 $200
Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee (BBAC) Bikeway Block Party $500
Bedford Center for the Arts, Inc. BCA Photo Group 2024-2025 Program Series $250
Bedford Community Access Television, Inc. Editing Software for Classes $520
Bedford Destination Imagination Celebration of Destination Imagination Student Accomplishments $400
Bedford Free Public Library Dinoman Science Series: Dinosaurs! $300
Bedford High School Developing confidence, creativity and social competence through gameplay $400
Bedford High School Model UN BOSMUN Scholarship $250
Bedford High School Performing Arts Department Guest speaker on bullying, to support MEAN GIRLS production $500
Bedford Historical Society, Inc. Town Wide Newsletter $450
Bedford Historical Society, Inc. Community Lecture Series $400
Carlisle Community Chorus Carlisle Community Chorus Concerts $100
Concord Band Association Bandemonium! $250
Discovery Museum, Inc. Open Door Connections $250
Friends of the Job Lane House, Inc. Student Museum Docent $480
International 145 Shkola Foundation, Inc. Ukrainian Art in US $500
Lieutenant Eleazar Davis School Stress Free Day $250
Lieutenant Job Lane School Lane School Tubulum $300
McMullen, Cynthia Dried Flower Hoop Art $100
Newman, Howard Knock on Wood, acoustic folk-rock duo $250
Parents Diversity Council, Inc. Fourth Annual Bedford Pride Day $500
Parents Diversity Council, Inc. Lunar New Year Celebration $250
Scoville, Sarah Bedford Utility Box Project $1,200
Silver, Ebony, Ivory Trio Singing Through the Ages $400
Siviya, Namrata Art Journaling as Self Care for Caregivers $200
South Asian Association of Bedford Bedford Diwali Celebration $500
South Asian Association of Bedford Bedford Holi Celebration $500
St. Paul Weekday Nursery School, Inc. Chip In Farms $250
The Bedford Citizen, Inc. Cultural Reporting in The Bedford Citizen $750
The Concord Chorus, Inc. Concord250 Concord Chorus Concert Season $200
The Concord Orchestra, Inc. American Heritage $200
The Delvena Theatre Company Bon Voyage, Forever! $500
Tincknell, Roger L. Beatles and Beyond $250
Vaibhava Dance School Rasa Vaibhava 2025 $500
Whitney, Sarah Beyond the Notes - A Uniquely Interactive Concert Series $200

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on February 16, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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